Smart Factory System Trainer • ET-024

Training Contents:
Chapter 1: Summary of Smart Factory
Chapter 2: Introduction of smart factory training equipment
Chapter 3: Structure of conveyor-belt
Chapter 4: Conveyor Belt Sensor Control Practice
Chapter 5: Conveyor Belt Pneumatic Control Practice
Chapter 6: Inverter Control Practice
Chapter 7: PLC CC-link communication practice
Chapter 8: Practice of transferring goods using the gripper arm
Chapter 9: Summary of Automatic warehouse system
Chapter10: Automatic warehouse system sequence control practice
Chapter11: Automatic warehouse system sensor control practice
Chapter12: Automatic warehouse system pneumatic control practice
Chapter13: Structure of 4-axis robot
Chapter14: 4 axis robot product transfer practice
Chapter15: Product classification and product information acquisition practice using RFID
Chapter16: Automation Full Process Control Practice


1. Sensor, RFID and SW are integrated management of production process monitoring and work records
2. Through the convergence of IoT, gateway, monitoring system, etc., the entire production process is itelligentized and optimized to suit the production process
3. Customized practice based on advanced manufacturing technologies such as IoT and process simulation techniques are available for all processes such a production by product process and defect management.
4. Conveyor belt transfer and inspection test practice
5. Automatic warehouse system practice possible
6. 4-axis robot x, y, z-axis movement
7. Practice of numerical data transfer command using digital switch

1. Build automation system and improve understanding
2. Understanding and using machine elements
3. Network system communication control practice between PLC
4. Control of analog and digital signals
5. Practice of process control language based on PLC, PC, FPGA in mass production
6. Practice of Conveyor belt control by using HMI
7. Practice of each process monitoring by suing Gateway

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